Thursday 13 August 2015

Top 3: UK Coordinated Care Findings

Care Coordination is a key concern in the UK healthcare landscape as it is globally. The need for systems to be integrated in order to reap business process benefits as well as capitalizing on the sheer mass of data that healthcare organizations produce on a daily basis is driving healthcare providers to seek out assistance from IT service providers to not only establish an integrated infrastructure but to also guide them through the possibilities of what value can be attained through this exercise. Today, I look at three characteristics of the UK healthcare ecosystem and its current status with coordinated care.
  1. Healthcare providers struggle to coordinate care outside of the hospital: Between 2013 and 2014, the National Survey of Bereaved People (VOICES) was commissioned by the NHS to assess experiences of care in the last three months of patients' lives. The key point that stood out the most in my opinion was that healthcare providers struggle to coordinate care when the patient is outside of their usual care setting whether that be a hospital or at home. By no means is there a lack of technology in this area to enable coordination as there is a multitude of devices and means of communicating between care sites. The healthcare ecosystem however struggles with streamlining, integrating and standardizing workflow processes and in conjunction with telehealth technological developments, this is where IT service vendors need to be able to add value to their clients and ultimately their patients.
  2. The introduction of the NHS vanguard sites demands care coordination: In January 2015, the NHS launched a program inviting individual organizations and partnerships to apply to become 'vanguard sites'. These are, in essence, test cases for new models of care going forward. Looking at the requirements set forth by the NHS, it is clear that success will not be possible without coordinated care. Throughout the ideologies of what the new models of care will look like, we see direct references to becoming an "integrated provider", having a "joined-up electronic health record" and using "patient population segmentation". In fact, the description of 'Enhanced health in care homes', even references how new telehealth technologies can be applied to provide better care. Together with MarketsandMarkets' forecast that the Population Health Management market will grow at a staggering 26% CAGR between 2013-2018, this further supports the need for IT vendors to sharpen up their integration capabilities and offer solutions that genuinely deliver coordination across the IT landscape.
  3. The NHS is investing in support for harnessing technology such as interoperability: On the 31st July 2015, the NHS published a support pack for all vanguard sites. In section 5 of this document, it speaks to what will be made available for participating vanguard sites. Apart from a £200m transformation fund (of which around £140m remains unallocated as of this blog post), they plan to provide dedicated support for items such as interoperability, information governance and digital strategy. They are also looking to leverage best practice examples both from within and outside of the UK and so IT vendors will need to ensure they have solid case studies to back up their sales pitches.
Best Regards,

Jonathan Cordwell
Research Analyst, Healthcare Strategy
ResearchNetwork, CSC
  1. Office for National Statistics, Statistical bulletin: National Survey of Bereaved People (VOICES), 2013,
  2. NHS England, New care models – vanguard sites,
  3. MarketsandMarkets, Population Health Management Market worth $40.6 Billion by 2018,
  4. NHS England, Vanguard support package launched, 31 July 2015,

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